

四川大學120周年校慶系列活動|法國大學科技學院Nathalie Lours Le Sauze教授應邀來beat365作學術(shù)報告

發(fā)布時間 :2016年05月10日      閱讀量:

2016 年5月9日下午3點,法國圖盧茲大學、法國大學科技學院Nathalie Lours Le Sauze教授在beat365245會議室為我校師生帶來了一場題為“Microstructured reactors: Hydrodynamic characterization of heat exchangers reactors, size control of microcapsules in an intensified encapsulation process and latex coagulation in shear control environment”的學術(shù)報告。本次報告會由beat365院長褚良銀教授主持。

報告伊始,Nathalie Lours Le Sauze教授介紹了法國第四大城市圖盧茲,繼而是圖盧茲大學和她所在的化學工程研究中心。之后她又為聽眾們簡述了法國的高等教育體系和一些國際交流項目。在學術(shù)報告部分,Nathalie Lours Le Sauze教授從換熱器的水力學表征,強化封裝過程中微囊的尺寸控制和剪切控制環(huán)境中的乳液凝固三個方面為師生們深入淺出地介紹了她的研究思路和成果。報告結(jié)束,Nathalie Lours Le Sauze教授和現(xiàn)場師生進行了熱烈交流,她耐心地回答了老師和同學們從過程模擬、應用前景、工業(yè)化等多方面的問題,學術(shù)氣氛十分熱烈。



附:Nathalie Lours Le Sauze教授簡介:

Nathalie Lours Le Sauze is Professor at the InstitutUniversitaire de Technologie (Université Paul Sabatier - Université de Toulouse). She conducts research at the Chemical Engineering Laboratory (UMR CNRS). She is a former invited professor at the University of Galati (Romania) and at Ecoled’Ingénieurs de Gabes (Tunisia). Graduated in Chemical Engineering at INSA (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées) (1987), Nathalie Lours Le Sauze defended her doctoral thesis on the ozonation of drinking and waste waters in 1990 at the Université de Rennes. After a postdoctoral fellowhip at the University of California at Berkeley (UC. Berkeley, USA), she has been associate-professor at EcoleNationaleSupérieure de Chimie de Rennes and further joined the University of Toulouse where she is full professor since 2005. As Vice-Director of InstitutUniversitaire de Technologie (Chemical Engineering Department) in charge of studies, she founded the bachelor degree in “Environmental Processes” in 2005. Her research focuses on various aspects of process intensification including the characterisation of BSTR and continuous reactors, transposition from batch to continuous processes for both non-reactive and reactive liquid-liquid systems. Author of 34 papers in journals and conference proceedings and one patent, she has supervised the research of 10 PhD students.

膜科學與功能材料研究室 供稿


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